Crews are encouraged to support their runners from the Camp Toofy aid station (38.558389, -77.342778). Crews are also able to help their runners from the Camp Remi start/finish area (38.573174,-77.418742) only after the race has started; the crew parking area is about 0.75 miles from the start/finish area. Please read information on parking during the race here. Crews are NOT permitted at the Camp Gunny aid station, and no pets are permitted at any aid station. Camp Remi is located on Route 619 (Joplin Road), approximately four miles from I-95. Take a right onto Mawavi Road and follow the directional signs to crew parking. To get to Camp Toofy from Camp Remi, turn left onto Joplin Road, then turn left onto Park Entrance Road. Follow Park Entrance Road to the right at both forks. Only one crew car per runner will be allowed at Camp Remi.
For those arriving separately from their runner(s), each crew car will need to pay the $20 entrance fee to Prince William Forest Park unless you have a national park pass. (You can pay via smartphone with the park's app.) This fee will cover the car for the duration of the race. Please display your parking pass or receipt at all times. Don’t be a jerk and stiff the National Park Service; if you do, your reward will be a mean look and a ticket.
Crews must abide by aid station volunteers’ instructions. Crew may be limited to certain aid station areas and excluded from other parts. Please respect all aid station volunteers’ requests. If a crew doesn’t cooperate, it can be banned, and the runner can be disqualified. Runners: Make sure your crew has read the race briefing once it is distributed in November (here’s the 2024 race briefing).
Runners for both the 100k and 100-miler may have a pacer starting with their third loop. Pacers are not pack mules — runners must carry their stuff themselves.
Camp Remi has heated bathrooms with flush toilets, as will the Visitor Center, located less than a mile down the road from Camp Toofy. If lines form, we ask that runners have priority. Cellphone service is solid at Camp Toofy but may be spotty around Camp Remi.
The nearest gas station is a 7-Eleven about 5-10 minutes down the road. There’s a McDonald’s, Papa John’s, Pizza Hut, and Dunkin’ Donuts about 10-15 minutes outside the park. More options are one exit north on I-95 (exit 152B).
crew. Because sometimes, you need a bit of help getting the job done. Especially when the job is getting a slug off the patio door. #squadgoals
(Also, boston terriers are pretty rad. not rad like vizslas, but still, rad.)